Igorrok2014-08-29 15:11:05
Igorrok, 2014-08-29 15:11:05

How to change the user's avatar in VK via API?

How to change an authorized user's avatar in VK via API without "save_dialog" confirmation?
Let's say I know knowing the access_token, or he was authorized by another method, but not through a login / password.
Here I found a function that does this https://vk.com/pages?oid=-1&p=photos.saveProfilePhoto
But it is necessary in the background, without manual confirmation of the user's avatar change.
Is it even possible?

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1 answer(s)
trall, 2014-08-29

Apparently, you read the old version of the documentation, the new one is here https://vk.com/dev

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