Nadim Zakirov2020-09-11 11:58:46
Nadim Zakirov, 2020-09-11 11:58:46

How to change directive in Angular?

Good afternoon. There is code that creates some kind of directive in a module.

Tell me, after the directive has already been added, how to edit its code? I want to cram console.dir() markers inside in order to understand what data is inside it during the work of functions inside the directive.

Unfortunately, I'm not even close to familiar with Angular. Of course, I tried to call the code below again, but with my changes and inserts, but as you probably guessed, this did not help me. Probably, editing of already added directives is carried out somehow differently, I ask for help with advice.

The code itself:

angular.module('fileUploader', []).directive('fileUploader', ['fileAPI', 'baseAPI', '$rootScope', function (fileAPI, baseAPI, $rootScope) {
  return {
    compile: function (elem, attr) {
      return {
        pre: function ($scope, elem, attrs, ctrl, transclude) {
          $scope.remove = function ($index) {
            var uploadedFileIndex = _.indexOf(fileAPI.uploadedFiles, $scope.files[$index].FileName);
            if (uploadedFileIndex >= 0) {
              fileAPI.uploadedFiles.splice(uploadedFileIndex, 1);
            $scope.files.splice($index, 1);
            $rootScope.$broadcast('uploader-' + $scope.Id + 'changeUpload');
            elem.find('#uploader-filename-' + $scope.Id).val('');
          $('#uploader-filename-' + $scope.Id).val("");
          $scope.Id = $scope.$id;
          $scope.root = $rootScope;

          angular.forEach($scope.files, function (file) {
            var uploadedFileIndex = _.indexOf(fileAPI.uploadedFiles, file.FileName);
            if (uploadedFileIndex < 0) {

        post: function ($scope, elem, attrs, ctrl, transclude) {

          var isJsonString = function (str) {
            try {
            } catch (e) {
              return false;
            return true;

          $scope.requiredDocuments = (typeof $scope.requiredDocuments === "undefined") ? false : true;

          var clearFileInput = function () {
            //Fix clearing file input IE8

            $('#uploader-' + $scope.Id).val(null);
            var clone = $('#uploader-' + $scope.Id).clone(true).off();
            $('#uploader-' + $scope.Id).replaceWith(clone);

          var getErrorMessage = function (errors) {
            if (typeof errors === 'string')
              return errors;

            return errors[0];

          var onSuccess = function (response) {
            if (isJsonString(response))
              response = $.parseJSON(response);
            if ($scope.files == null)
              $scope.files = [];
            elem.find('#uploader-filename-' + $scope.Id).val("");
            if (response.Success) {
              response.Data.FileName = decodeURIComponent(response.Data.FileName);
              response.Data.Name = decodeURIComponent(response.Data.Name);
              response.Data.IsLoaded = true;

              if ($scope.documentTypeId)
                response.Data.DocumentTypeId = $scope.documentTypeId;

              updateArray($scope.files, response.Data);
            } else {
              var decodeError = decodeURIComponent(response.Errors);
              ShowMessage("Произошла ошибка", getErrorMessage(decodeError));
              for (var i = 0; i < $scope.files.length; i++) {
                if ($scope.files[i].FileName === response.Data.FileName) {
                  $scope.files.splice(i, 1);
              for (var j = 0; j < fileAPI.uploadedFiles.length; j++) {
                if (fileAPI.uploadedFiles[j] === response.Data.FileName) {
                  fileAPI.uploadedFiles.splice(j, 1);
              $rootScope.$broadcast('uploader-' + $scope.Id + 'changeUpload');

            $rootScope.$broadcast('file-loading', fileAPI.filesInProgress);


          var updateArray = function (array, value) {
            for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
              if (array[i].FileName === value.FileName) {
                array[i] = value;

          var onError = function (response) {
            if (response.status === 401) {
              var $dialogUserInactiveInfo = $("#dialogUserInactiveInfo");
              if ($dialogUserInactiveInfo.hasClass('ui-dialog-content')) {
              else {
                  dialogClass: 'no-close',
                  closeOnEscape: false,
                  modal: true,
                  width: 500,
                  buttons: [
                      text: "ОК",
                      click: function () {

          var options = {
            success: onSuccess,
            error: onError

          var checkExtension = function (file) {
            var regex = /(?:\.([^.]+))?$/;
            var extension = (regex.exec(file)[1] || "").toLowerCase();
            var filename = file.match(/[^\\/]*$/)[0];
            if (_.indexOf($scope.settings.allowedExtensions, extension) < 0) {
              ShowError("У " +
                filename +
                " неподдерживаемый формат файла. Поддерживаются следующие форматы файлов: " +
                $scope.settings.allowedExtensions.join(", ") +
              return false;
            return true;

          var isFileAlreadyUploaded = function (fileName) {
            return typeof ($scope.files) !== "undefined" && _.where($scope.files, { FileName: fileName }).length > 0;

          var renameFileTwin = function (fileName) {
            return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
              var generatedFileName;
              var newName = fileName;

              if (_.indexOf(fileAPI.uploadedFiles, fileName) >= 0 || isFileAlreadyUploaded(fileName)) {
                generatedFileName = fileAPI.generateNewFileName(fileName, fileAPI.uploadedFiles);
                if (isFileAlreadyUploaded(generatedFileName)) {
                  generatedFileName = fileAPI.generateNewFileName(generatedFileName, fileAPI.uploadedFiles);
                newName = generatedFileName;
                ShowMessage('Предупреждение', 'Уже был загружен файл с именем ' +
                  fileName +
                  '. Загружаемый файл будет переименован в ' +
                  generatedFileName +
                  '.', null, function () {
                elem.find('#uploader-filename-' + $scope.Id).val(newName);
              } else {


          var checkFileLength = function (uploader) {
            if (typeof $('#uploader-' + $scope.Id)[0].value != "undefined" && uploader) {
              var fileSize;
              if(typeof uploader[0].files === "undefined"){
                //Расчет размера файла в IE без FileAPI
                try {
                  var objFSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
                  var filePath = $('#uploader-' + $scope.Id)[0].value;
                  var objFile = objFSO.getFile(filePath);
                  fileSize = objFile.size; //size in kB 
                } catch (e) {
                  //Если уровень безопасности не даёт выполниться ActiveXObject, то говорим что валидация пройдена.
                  fileSize = 10;
              } else {
                fileSize = uploader[0].files[0].size;

              if (fileSize > $scope.settings.maxFileSize) {
                ShowError("Размер документа не должен превышать 50 мб");
                return false;
              if (fileSize === 0) {
                var filename = uploader.val().match(/[^\\/]*$/)[0];
                ShowError("Содержимое документа " +
                  filename +
                  " отсутсвует. Выберите, пожалуйста, подходящий документ");
                return false;
            return true;

          var uploadFile = function (event) {
            var uploader = $('#uploader-' + $scope.Id);
            if (uploader.val() !== "" && uploader.val() !== null) {
              var filename = uploader.val().match(/[^\\/]*$/)[0];
              if (checkExtension(uploader.val()) && checkFileLength(uploader)) {
                if ($scope.files == null) $scope.files = [];
                renameFileTwin(filename).then(function (newName) {
                  $rootScope.$safeApply(function () {
                      FileName: newName,
                      IsLoaded: false

                    $rootScope.$broadcast('uploader-' + $scope.Id + 'changeUpload');
                    $rootScope.$broadcast('file-loading', fileAPI.filesInProgress);
                  $(elem.find('#uploaderForm-' + $scope.Id)).ajaxSubmit(options);


              } else {

          $scope.$watch('files', function (newValue, oldValue) {
            if (newValue === oldValue && $scope.files instanceof Array) {
              $.each($scope.files, function (i, f) { f.IsLoaded = true; });

    restrict: 'EA',
    replace: true,
    templateUrl: '/static/Scripts/Common/Angular/Directives/Templates/UploaderTemplate.html',
    scope: {
      settings: '=uploaderSettings',
      files: '=ngModel',
      documentTypeId: '=ngDocumentType',
      requiredDocuments: '=isRequired',
      requiredDocumentsType: '=documentsType'

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