Zona2012-08-08 10:55:48
Zona, 2012-08-08 10:55:48

How to calculate the processor load on the cloud?

There is a theoretical task to design a cloud, and calculate the processor and network load on it.
We need mathematical calculations with all the consequences, but I did not find anything remotely resembling serious articles on something similar on the net, using a sufficient mat. justification.
Has anyone had this problem or has experience? Please share your knowledge.

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2 answer(s)
amarao, 2012-08-09

For us, this task is purely practical - and it is solved by practical methods - balancing and linear growth as the load increases.
You still can't predict how many hamsters will want to watch the next 'kitten in the box' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdQj2ohqCBk).

Puma Thailand, 2012-08-08

Well, don't you know how many processors you have?
You sell processor power, well, divide the processors by unit of sale, you will get a figure in money without overselling, well, add another percentage of overselling to your proces and you will be happy.

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