Dima Kl2018-11-29 15:20:09
Dima Kl, 2018-11-29 15:20:09

How to bypass safari limit on autoplay?

Good day.
I ran into such a problem and I don’t know how to solve it (2 days I struggle, I tried all sorts of methods ... nothing helps ...)
There is a certain page that displays some information ... and under certain conditions, when the user loads the page sound should play automatically. It works in all browsers except safari... Yes, I am aware that there is a limit set in the browser itself. Actually, the question is: is it possible to get around this limitation using pure javascritp ?
The site is technical, for one specific client.

<audio id="audio" preload loop muted controls autoplay>
    <source src="sound.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">

async function play() {
  try {
    await audio.play();
    btn.className = "playing";
  } catch(err) {
    btn.className = "";

function handlebtn() {
  if (audio.paused) {
  } else {
    btn.className = "";
window.onload = function(){
    audio.muted = false;
    event = new Event("click");
    btn.addEventListener("click", handlebtn, false);

Actually this "garden" does not give the desired result.

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