evgrekov2014-06-14 13:40:42
Internet advertising
evgrekov, 2014-06-14 13:40:42

How to buy live traffic to the site?

Hey! I'm building a one-page website that invites people to vote for their favorite football team. As a result, I want to get statistics on which football clubs are popular and which are not. The user needs only one click on the team logo, after which he will immediately see the results of the survey.
What is the cheapest way to attract an audience to the site? I don't focus on football fans, so targeting can be as wide as possible:
- organic, viral and search traffic, everything is more or less clear here
- contextual advertising and TGB - what price per click can we expect here?
- on the Internet, I found many traffic sellers who offer a price of $ 1-10 for 1000 visits to my site. They write that they are living people. Is it so? How do these traffic sellers work and are they right for me?
Thank you!

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6 answer(s)
gleb_kudr, 2014-06-14

Organic will be in the region of $1 per thousand impressions . Well + - of course, but in this area. $ 1 thousand transitions is something completely left.

Puma Thailand, 2014-06-14

1 bucks for 1000 clicks is some kind of black traffic, so, alas, you shouldn’t rely on ordinary people much

Mikhail Alekseev, 2014-06-14

It is possible through targeted advertising on Vkontakte, but the price bites.

kypim-reklamy, 2015-08-21

Previously, he himself used the advertising methods proposed above. And now he has found a service where you can immediately buy applications from ready-made clients.
Accordingly, money and effort are no longer spent on advertising.
It's easier to buy customer applications than pay for "clicks" I share the
service centr-klientov.ru/go (there are applications for almost any business area)

Anna Petrova, 2016-06-08

I recommend using aori.ru smart bid management system. One account for managing campaigns in direct, adwords, Vkontakte, Mail.ru, Rambler and Odnoklassniki. In many expensive topics, the cost per click through it is much lower than directly. There is an import of campaigns from Yandex and Google sites. 24/7 technical support will help you set up your campaign.

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