mrzgt2021-10-04 13:32:19
mrzgt, 2021-10-04 13:32:19

How to bulk replicate a review?

Tell me, is it possible to make a request to the database immediately so that this review would be added for products with product_id from 1 to 100

INSERT INTO `oc_review` (`review_id`, `product_id`, `parent_id`, `customer_id`, `author`, `text`, `rating`, `status`, `date_added`, `date_modified`) VALUES (NULL, '2252', '0', '0', 'Андрей', 'Хочу в очередной раз поблагодарить команду профессионалов!!!)', '5', '1', '2020-09-04 11:11:19', '2020-09-04 12:19:40')

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