Esperanta2016-06-07 21:49:10
Esperanta, 2016-06-07 21:49:10

How to become an app promoter?

Good afternoon!
I live in Minsk. I've always liked the intersection of marketing and IT.
Now I study and practice contextual and targeted advertising. I consider the first type of advertising at this stage in terms of growth to be more promising for me as a specialist, despite the fact that Western trends say otherwise.
In the near future, you may have the opportunity to work in a good agency as a specialist in contextual advertising and fully delve into this area.
But the promotion of mobile applications is also interesting for me. I read articles, attended a couple of seminars. Of course, in many ways this area attracts me with a salary that is an order of magnitude higher than what can be received in a context whose market in the next five years may still change seriously and not the fact that it will be in a good direction for a specialist.
And I have a dilemma.
one). Go to an online agency and don't sweat it. Become the best PPC-specialist and at the same time intensively cramming English. And how will the vacancy of a traffic manager or marketing manager try to get a job in a good application development company.
2). Take some serious steps right now to get hired by an application development company. But what? I study English. How else can you improve your skills specifically in the promotion of applications, so that they take it? Read articles? It's not difficult, but as far as I can see, this work, like in targeting, and SMM in general, is based on cases. Personal experience is essential. Books give a vector, but that's all.
Sorry if it's messy. But I'm afraid to waste time and scatter efforts.

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2 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2016-06-07

and with the PPC you will feed while Google is alive, no Facebooks will surpass it until they make a context for themselves

Esperanta, 2016-06-08

Thanks for the answer!)
If we talk about applications, then I'm definitely not going to go to dubious startups. There are well established companies out there.
I also want to go to the agency now, because I see that you need to go through too much muddy water in freelancing in order to get really valuable experience. In the agency, yes, experience is largely on volume, but this is also necessary. And it's a concentrated experience. Well, in a good agency, of course.)))
But I don’t want to embark on a global reading of information on app promotion without a good understanding of the pros and cons of choosing. Knowledge is never drawn to the ground, but time is also precious.

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