click_f2016-02-16 18:42:13
click_f, 2016-02-16 18:42:13

How to become a bank programmer?

There is a great interest in applying the programming skills obtained at the university to work related to finance. Pure trading, automated trading systems and related disciplines are not a priority, I admit that there are other specific and no less interesting tasks that require programmers to solve. I found out that it is necessary to have attestation of the Federal Financial Markets Service, respectively, at the moment I am working on getting it. There are the following questions:

  1. What is the minimum position for a novice programmer in a financial institution?

  2. What could be the career path of a programmer who decided to move towards the financial sector? If junior, senior, .etc then in what position? What should you look at first and what should you focus on in the future?

  3. Is it possible to pave the way through the mobile development (frontEnd) and then master the mobile backEnd, and only after all this, submit your candidacy to fin. org.? Are there any related areas from which in the future you can try to get a job, if so, which ones?

  4. How relevant is mat. modeling in finance? Is there a demand for development? If yes, which models?

  5. Is it possible to deal with BackEnd without having FrontEnd development experience? What exactly is valued in BackEnd programmers, what skills, projects and work experience?

  6. What certificates and additional certificates will be useful for employment? What specific knowledge is most valued?

  7. Does it make sense to confirm the level of knowledge of foreign languages ​​with certificates?

  8. What kind of research in the form of scientific papers can be carried out to attach to the resume? What topics?

Thank you for your replies and attention.

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6 answer(s)
LowCoder LowCoderov, 2016-02-17

Have worked.
You can get a job - here they quite correctly suggested that you study the requirements on the employer's websites and try to adapt to them. Learn the technologies that are in demand in job descriptions. I strongly advise you to write several articles and give links to them in your resume. This is a way to show off your expertise. It's appreciated. Any certificates would be very useful. It is possible from Microsoft, very well from Orakla - Oracle is often used in the banking sector. Just like Sybase. On MSSQL too it is possible. MCSD can't hurt. It’s a pity that there are no (let’s say I personally don’t know) representative certifications for Unix, but you can find something on BrainBench.
Of the advantages of working in a bank, I can say that probably the programmers of banking programs have a higher salary. And she's pretty stable. On this, perhaps, all the advantages end and the disadvantages begin.
Namely - in banks there is a certain unspoken division of golden collars (top management, which lives in their own areas and rarely condescends - they have their own universe there with their own laws of gravity and the laws of physics), white collars - clerks and blue ones. These are cleaners, technical staff and ... programmers, as a rule. I can't say about all the cans... but being myself both white and a little gold-plated and then a programmer, I can say that in general the picture is this. There are probably oases ... but now I can’t say, I left the world of banking a long time ago, although now I work in the field of finance.
Those. attitude .. well, how to those staff. Some aunt from the credit department, who has the duty to press two buttons a day, according to which some kind of report is obtained for the authorities, will look from the height of her position :) a little down on a young graduate of the physics and technical institute who solves difours in a dream right off the bat.
The work is usually also of little interest from the programmer's point of view - rather boring applications are mostly client server back and forth data, forms, forms with the number of fields approaching infinity, java applets are often scary like an atomic war.
But this is still good, because most of the work is support. And this is the worst. Delve into technologies, often as ancient as mammoth mummy. I now work for an American financial office - so they even plow mainframes there. All this was written when computers were still large and heat-lamp and trilobites and trilobites were crawling everywhere. And the worst thing is that it all works. On emulators of course. Imagine an emulator for an ancient mainframe - and moreover, this emulator works from under Windows. And on it the programs run on Algol. And THIS drives real (by Russian standards, unreal) money. How ... no one knows. Interesting? And this is while space bulldozers are comparing the Bolshoi Theater for a self-construction :).
Add to this the bureaucracy and strict hierarchy (my boss's boss is not my boss) - no Google and Yandex style sofas and children's toys. Everything is strictly from 9 to "the sun is still high" - lunches in the office and all that. No, as a rule, remotes and other elements of the sweet life. Again, as a rule, no trips and business trips abroad with intellectual games, Turgenev young ladies, refreshing night walks along the Tenderloin and Castro in San Francisco (for those who understand :)), substances and drinks in the room. For ordinary programmers of course.
As a rule, all really interesting software for banks is written by individual offices. Although there are giants in which there are quite powerful development centers. There is in Moscow such a bank from large international ones.
Those. if the financial sector is interesting, then it is better to go to an office that is originally a programmer and for programmers. The work there is much more interesting and you seem to be not a blue collar on the seventh jelly, but the most white bone and a respected person - in a word, a Programmer, and not some kind of clerk :).
In connection with the massive "import substitution", paid parking lots and other joys of modern realities (including the dollar exchange rate), many offices are now transferring all their staff to some warmer and calmer countries, which of course makes life more boring, but the work is more fruitful and generally opens up prospects . Yes, and your euro is closer to the body. So you can be lucky, you can’t say anything about working in an average Russian bank. Oh yes, of the advantages, one can also note mega-corporate parties for the new year)) But this is only once a year. So the advantage is even more dubious, if not a fan of magnificent women and, in general, life's excesses.
That's where it's really interesting - it's all about exchanges and trading. This is a kind of special world of its own, lying a little apart from classical banking (read calculations). This is a specific area and everything is serious there both in terms of mathematics and in terms of technology. One of the best offices in which I had a chance to work is an office related to stock data and trading. The office is American, but works in Moscow. Very high level of development and management culture. Requires a serious level of training. Everything is mainly in C ++ and C - everything else was hopelessly merging in speed - work in terms of microseconds) under the orthodox linkus. I advise, if the routine endless dull work does not please you to rush into this area. You can also try risk assessments. But in general, I advise a programming office and not a bank. By the way, the world of decaying capitalism is exactly the same, and not only in Russia such a picture. The current on decaying ones must be attributed to a couple of zeros to any figure, well, everything is in dollars, but in principle it is the same.
But it is interesting in trading offices, especially if they allow trading algorithms. This requires a good mat. preparation and programming too. But there salaries are very large and bonuses are still .. bonuses
There is a series of articles from ITinvest on Habré - you can search .. read imbued. Written very interesting. I have worked in this area for many years, but I myself find a lot of new and interesting things. So just in case, I have nothing to do with ITinvest at all - so they have a glass of mango juice for advertising.
pdf and Knuth of course) and knowledge of the TCP / IP protocol stack (UNIX._Network_Programming._3rd_ed Stevens) is very good. Also POSIX multithreading - I personally studied System Programming in C ++ for Unix, Terence Chan - the book is old but in my opinion has not lost its relevance and Unix Interaction of processes, William Stevens and QNX-UNIX. Anatomy of parallelism, Cyrulik. O - the latter is written simply and sensibly). With this baggage, you can already go to a very decent level. Of course, not to take such a volume right away, but in general, something like that. Oh yeah.. and English of course. At a normal conversational level. Anatomy of parallelism, Cyrulik. O - the latter is written simply and sensibly). With this baggage, you can already go to a very decent level. Of course, not to take such a volume right away, but in general, something like that. Oh yeah.. and English of course. At a normal conversational level. Anatomy of parallelism, Cyrulik. O - the latter is written simply and sensibly). With this baggage, you can already go to a very decent level. Of course, not to take such a volume right away, but in general, something like that. Oh yeah.. and English of course. At a normal conversational level.
In general, a very good squeeze - short but clear from the Google interview brochure. It is freely available, but here is an excerpt from it
"Coding: You should know at least one programming language really well, preferably C++ or Java. For specific projects, we do also use C
and Python but these are normally secondary languages ​​at Google. You will be expected to write code in most of your interviews. You will
be expected to know a fair amount of detail about your favorite programming language. Make sure to check out our Google code style
guides. You will be expected to know about API's, OOD/OOP , how to test your code, as well as come up with corner cases and edge cases
for yours and other peoples code.
Algorithms: You will be expected to know the complexity of an algorithm and how you can improve/change it. Big-O notations are also
known as the run time characteristic of an algorithm. If you get a chance, try to study up on fancier algorithms, such as Dijkstra and A*. For
more information on algorithms you can visit TopCoder.
Sorting: What common sorting functions are there? On what kind of input data are they efficient, when are they not? What does
efficiency mean in these cases in terms of runtime and space used? Eg in exceptional cases insertion-sort or radix-sort are much better
than the generic QuickSort / MergeSort / HeapSort answers.
Data structures: You should study up on as many other structures and algorithms as possible. You should especially know about the
most famous classes of NP-complete problems, such as the traveling salesman and the knapsack problem. Be able to recognize them when an
interviewer asks you in disguise. Find out what NP-complete means. You will also need to know about Trees, basic tree construction,
traversal and manipulation algorithms, hash tables, stacks, arrays, linked lists, priority queues.
Mathematics: Some interviewers ask basic discrete math questions. This is more prevalent at Google than at other companies
because counting problems, probability problems and other Discrete Math 101 situations surrounds us. Spend some time before the
interview refreshing your memory on (or teaching yourself) the essentials of elementary probability theory and combinatorics. You should
be familiar with n-choose-k problems and their ilk – the more the better.
" It's
all about :)

sim3x, 2016-02-16

You have a wrong opinion about banks and programmers in them - you will not write software - you will be a helpdesk between the user and the outsourcer who actually writes software
There are exceptions, but they also separate development into a separate business
PS in banks they do not pay more

Saboteur, 2016-02-16

You go to the websites of several banks in the vacancy section.
Look at the requirements.
You analyze. An hour of time - and you have the most relevant and live information.
A programmer in a bank does not deal with mathematical models, this is done by architects and business analysts, and maybe 1-2 for the whole bank. The rest obediently write their pieces.
Almost the vast majority of adequate banks do not write software themselves, but outsource it. Own programmers provide support/implementation. Perhaps some kind of audit.

Puma Thailand, 2016-02-17

A bank and programming are quite distant things from each other, there is quite a bit of programming in the bank itself, everything is outsourced.
what a strange choice you have, I would understand even if there was a question about Yandex,
and your questions about certificates and scientific work are generally some kind of bullshit, where do you get such thoughts from?

Vladimir Olohtonov, 2016-02-16

Look at what they need. The surest way.

loxenehej, 2016-02-21

Banks have not developed their software for a long time, except for the largest ones.
It was in the 1990s - everyone did their own thing on their knees.
Now, if you are interested in financial software, then specialized firms make it for banks, stock exchanges, etc.
Own software is a rarity.

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