mIka012021-11-23 13:46:40
mIka01, 2021-11-23 13:46:40

How to balance hard drives on a computer?

Hello, there is a problem. The computer has 2 disks ssd and hdd.
Accordingly, ssd is fast, but small in volume and hdd is slow, but large in volume.
How to make a blanching solution? So that the programs and files that I do not use are stored on the hdd. And those that I use on ssd. At the same time, do not manually transfer, but balance the system itself.
Thank you in advance for your response.

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2 answer(s)
Saboteur, 2021-11-23

As far as I know, there is no such solution, and the system will not balance such things by itself.
Just put the system and the necessary programs on ssd, and the file trash on hdd manually.

pavelsha, 2021-11-23

A pencil and a sheet of paper divided into two columns will suit?
Then take and make for yourself an enlarged plan for placing programs and data.
Then one-time transfer / reinstall with handles, and then hang a sheet next to the monitor and try to live by similar rules.
As space ceases to be enough, we clean or buy larger disks.
Also keep in mind that in some cases autorun of the program can help when you boot your computer or when you log in.
Add RAM. Some people live for months without closing the development environment / TotalCommander / web browser / etc.
Only for them, every reboot of the computer is stressful.

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