lololololo2015-03-25 15:33:09
lololololo, 2015-03-25 15:33:09

How to automatically add; in eclipse?

After python, it is rather unusual to write ";" , and you also need to press the shift for it. Can I make it automatically add ;? Or what is the best way to solve it?

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2 answer(s)
Copperfield, 2015-03-25

So this is wrong. The semicolon marks the end of an expression, and the end of a line may NOT mark the end of an expression.
And how do you present this feature in situations like:


MiiNiPaa, 2015-03-25

And what layout do you use, what for; do you need a shift?
On the merits of the question: as far as I know out of the box, there is no such possibility. You could try defining a macro, say Ctrl + Shift + N = print ;<Line break>

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