Andrej Sharapov2021-01-12 13:50:54
Andrej Sharapov, 2021-01-12 13:50:54

How to apply Pug array switching in Vue template?

I need to change pug arrays when switching language, but I can't figure out how to apply them.

<template lang="pug">
  var activityListRu = [
        i: 'account-switch', 
        t: '1'
        i: 'account-search', 
        t: '2'
        i: 'account-star',
        t: '3'

  var activityListEn = [
        i: 'account-switch', 
        t: '4'
        i: 'account-search', 
        t: '5'
        i: 'account-star',
        t: '6'

Further attempts do not work:

No. 1.
  each card in this.$root.$i18n.locale === "ru" ? activityListRu : activityListEn
    v-col(cols='12', sm='4')

No. 2. I wanted to write this with a method, but I also don't know how to correctly specify the pug variable in it:
  each card in activityListLocale()
    v-col(cols='12', sm='4')

methods: {
    activityListLocale() {
      if (this.$root.$i18n.locale === 'ru') {
        return activityListRu
      } else if (this.$root.$i18n.locale === 'en') {
        return activityListEn

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1 answer(s)
Sergey delphinpro, 2021-01-12

Why not take out arrays in data, make a calculated field and use it normally in a loop?
offtopic, but why even connect a template engine to vue when it is already a template engine for itself?

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