ruskella2016-10-22 13:21:05
ruskella, 2016-10-22 13:21:05

How to allow installation of applications on Android if it says "not enough free space"?

Periodically on Android phones, there is a problem of lack of internal memory.
In this regard, the question is, suppose there is 100 MB of free space, but the system says that there is no free space and does not want to install anything.
Maybe there is some setting or config that specifies the memory limit?

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9 answer(s)
YouHim, 2016-10-27

The quote below is from the comments of this article .

There should be more than 10% free space.
This was on all the models that I met, apparently in android they just entered such a limitation once and forgot about it. Moreover, when such a message appears, even SMS is no longer accepted, although hundreds of megabytes are free.
Googled, and indeed, there is such a limitation. On some versions of Android, the “sys_storage_threshold_percentage” parameter, which is 10 by default, is responsible for this. You can change
it, for example, through the adb shell. Of course, at your own risk.
# sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db
sqlite> insert into secure (name, value) VALUES('sys_storage_threshold_percentage','5');
sqlite> insert into gservices (name, value) VALUES('sys_storage_threshold_percentage','5');
sqlite> .quit
# reboot

Dimonchik, 2016-10-22

https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/low ...
and about "suppose there is 100 MB" - a masterpiece, of course))

mr_alex, 2016-10-22

Android 5.1. This error occurs if there is less than 500 MB of free space left.
Alternatively, delete applications that you do not use or transfer them to SD.

FAN2 tom, 2016-10-22

I think it's just that the application for "unpacking" and further installation lacks these 100 mb. I met the problem in applications weighing 30 meters or more, when they were set as smaller ones (for example, up to 5 mb).
This problem also occurs if you bet from https://play.google.com. The same application that was not installed from the play market was quietly installed manually from * .apk.

Travel Expert, 2016-10-22

Programs to help:
xInternalSD (Xposed plugin)
I use them myself, it helps. Root required.

Alejandro Esquire, 2016-10-23

Everything that can really be transferred to SD is transferred. What is unrealistic but not particularly necessary, we delete. We clean the caches with some CleanMaste Lite .... And on the way ...

iNeOOn, 2016-10-24

Простой способ!
(если надо что то срочно скачать и поставить, но нет желания возиться с проблемой)!
Остановите службу Гугл плей , удалите обновления , после этого заходите в маркет и ставите нужное вам приложение из магазина, все будет работать и ставиться пока не обновиться маркет .

Дмитрий, 2016-10-27

clear Downloads and application cache. Sometimes up to 600 MB is freed up at a time by removing garbage from youtube, Chrome, navigator, etc.
PS do not confuse with "clear application data", this is already fraught with the settings flying off and deleting the necessary data.

sermart1234, 2021-11-30

You can completely remove the installation limit and low memory notification with adb

adb shell settings put global sys_storage_threshold_max_bytes 0
adb shell settings put global sys_storage_threshold_percentage 0

And if you want to return as it was:
adb shell settings delete global sys_storage_threshold_max_bytes
adb shell settings delete global sys_storage_threshold_percentage

Source: sermart1234 post on w3bsit3-dns.com

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