sweetdoughnut2015-03-07 23:45:42
Emigration and immigration
sweetdoughnut, 2015-03-07 23:45:42

How smart do you need to be to emigrate?

Greetings. I became interested in the issue of emigration (I like the USA).
In general, how much experience do you need to have to dump an iOS developer?
In which direction to work to succeed in this matter? There are no special problems with English.

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4 answer(s)
Moskus, 2015-03-08

You don't have to be "cool". You need to be helpful.
And you need to find an office that will not be too lazy to mess with foreign employees in organizational terms.
"Steepness" can even be an obstacle. Look at this situation from the point of view of a potential employer: "If we take on a super employee, who will do his job if something happens to him?" This is quite a common reasoning, regardless of the nationality of the potential employee. Therefore, people who simply fit well into the team and who simply do their job well, effectively are valued. Heroes are sometimes needed. But this is a very separate story, and, most often, it is not just about programmers, but about those who have deep knowledge in some subject area (say, mathematical modeling or geoinformatics), and a good programmer is additionally.

Alexander, 2015-03-07

It is very interesting, why from Russia and why to the USA?

Puma Thailand, 2015-03-08

emigration is often not associated with specialists
, I migrated to Thailand simply by buying a plane ticket

Linola, 2015-10-07

I generally tend to agree with you. If you know how to work and love - you will be fine everywhere. I can say for myself that they noticed me in the company and invited me to move, this is how my emigration from Russia went ( immigrantinvest.com/blog/emigraciya-iz-rossii )

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