Crash2014-12-14 13:34:01
Crash, 2014-12-14 13:34:01

How much can a freelance PHP programmer earn on the Russian market now?

Previously, I asked a similar question, but now I clearly understand what I will do and ask a more specific one) If you are interested in this question, please write your answers reasoned, based on your experience.
In Russia, it's the other way around - they pay great for PHP (c) from the comments on geektimes.ru
Why exactly PHP and the Russian market? - I'm the best at it.

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2 answer(s)
Sergey Petrikov, 2014-12-14

As in any other specialty, for how much you can sell yourself, you will earn so much, there is no stable monthly salary for a freelancer, his legs feed him, you will run well and find orders - you will eat deliciously, everything is simple. You can sell yourself for $20 an hour and load 100 hours a month - get 2000, you can sell more or work more - get more, if you can't - get less or nothing.

Spetros, 2014-12-14

If a programmer is good and has found a good job, then theoretically he can earn good money. If he is bad and everything is bad, then theoretically he can earn poorly or not earn at all. Accordingly, a mediocre freelance programmer will, on average, theoretically earn mediocre.

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