tosterrru2018-07-02 23:29:40
Web development
tosterrru, 2018-07-02 23:29:40

How does the site “recognize” the browser?

There is a browser game in which the admin can ban the user, and the ban works interestingly, here are the initial ones: -
I log in under an anonymous session in chrome, for the first time I get a ban by ip + something else (by ip - it is instant, it works as soon as you enter)
- I change ip, cookies (no difference), I log in under an anonymous session in chrome (no difference) with a different user-agent (no difference), there the ban already works after 10-20 seconds, and blacklists ip
- I change ip, I go through another browser, for example, mozilla - the ban does not work.
The technical side of the issue is very interesting, how does the site recognize me, something like evercookie?

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Taratin, 2018-07-02

Probably by unique browser fingerprint

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