Crash2014-03-08 19:53:05
Crash, 2014-03-08 19:53:05

How do you work with low-quality foreign code?

I would like to know what are the tricks, techniques and recommendations for working with "macaroni" code, methods of refactoring

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2 answer(s)
AlexP11223, 2014-03-08

This question already has an answer here : Dealing with bad code. Fighting methods. Best Practices
marked as duplicate by UFO Feb 30 2025 at 12:34
This question has been asked before and already has an answer.

Alexander Litvinov, 2014-03-08

From software PhpStorm + debuger helps to get to the bottom faster. It is better not to contact him at all, but this is not always possible. The base often helps to look at the code more globally, I sometimes use the uml schema generator.

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