inferer2012-08-20 15:54:32
IT education
inferer, 2012-08-20 15:54:32

How do you publish study schedules on the school or university website?

Are there webmasters or site administrators of educational institutions among the habrausers?

How to normally solve the problem of publishing a study schedule on the website of the account. institutions:
- just upload Word / Excel / PDF files (somehow unusable)
- convert to Google Doc and put through an iframe (it's also not very convenient to scroll them to site visitors)
- manually convert to html (very long, it seems not worth it ) )
- write your own subsystem with the base, etc. (even more expensive and long)
- how is it different?

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7 answer(s)
hohams, 2012-08-21

Our schedule is simply in a file (doc, xls). In my (teacher's) opinion, the schedule on the site, in order to be able to actually use it, should have several properties:
1. The ability of the dean's office (that is, a methodologist girl) to change it on the site in real time.
2. Interactivity - a link to the subject, teacher, etc...
3. Mobile version.
If these things are not there, then the schedule on the site can be used only once. rewriting it for myself. Further, everything is only offline at the stand.

Vorchun, 2012-08-20

Now in universities there is software that generates an embedded code for the site. I won’t say the exact name, but I came across a couple of times.
When vocational schools contact us, we recommend that you enter the tables in Google Docs and place them on the site as an embedded object.

Busla, 2012-08-21

From the point of view of the consumer, the schedule in a good way should be duplicated in the iCalendar, vCalendar electronic calendar format. Google-calendar is quite normally inserted into the frame. And in it you can even mark up transfers and cancellations.
Although it will not work succinctly on one sheet to display even-odd weeks in the traditional format. This is a minus. But all options are cheap and cheerful - compromise. It will turn out to be quite beautiful only with your own database and several display options.

Sekira, 2012-08-20

- manually retype in html (very long, it seems not worth it)

Why, in all popular CMS, there are pretty good built-in editors, it is enough to insert text from the Word and it is already in good html without other garbage, as it was before. Also, such editors can be embedded in your site.
But, as I understand it, it doesn't matter where you enter the information (Word/Excel/PDF), so why not enter it directly on the site through the web interface?

madmaxcorp, 2012-08-20

Well, we just had an archive with an xls file for all courses at once.
But I still have plans to make a form on which the user can select the course / group of interest, click submit and see his schedule. Our schedule is compiled in Excel'e, thus. you can parse the value (if we are talking about php, then it is done through special libraries there).

it_analytik, 2012-08-20

The mother-in-law (a teacher, or rather a class teacher) asked me to make her a “website” for the new school year.
Made. Who cares - you can see here: http://demo.kholodkov.ru:81/npgeo (this is a test environment).
It consists of several PHP pages, a database in MySQL and a visual editor called ckeditor.
I can share for free - write.
There are 4 sections:
- News
- Grades (class journal)
- Homework
- Settings
And 3 roles:
- Class teacher (login with password "123") - can post and delete information in all sections
- Parent (login with password "456" ) - can only view info, but in all sections except settings
- Student (login with password "789") - can only view the "Homework" section
Spent 42 hours on development. Within this time I figured out PHP.
Then I regretted the time spent, because I found several similar services on the Internet, but it was too late to retreat.
Most liked: http://www.dnevnik.ru
By the way, free.
BUT! In the vast majority of services, you need to register centrally through the school, which is not always easy to organize.

Napseg, 2012-08-22

We have a senior student (already a graduate) a long time ago washed down a forum for the faculty. There is also a schedule, you choose a course and a day - you are shown which subject in which audience and what time. kzoi.ru

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