Daniel Newman2013-03-18 14:04:00
IT education
Daniel Newman, 2013-03-18 14:04:00

How do you learn on the job?

Eternal deadlines, bloody diarrhea and hellish pain: how do you learn new tricks when you are hard at work for most of the day?

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9 answer(s)
Vitaly Zheltyakov, 2013-03-18

Elementary. It takes me 3 hours to get to work. I turn them into 3 hours of learning.

Stdit, 2013-03-18

Omnipotent programmers, unfortunately, do not exist, everyone has a load limit. There is a possibility that the eternal deadline and nosebleeds are the result of poor planning and inadequate assessment of the possibilities either by the performer or his manager. If a manager is a reason to talk or look for another job, and if a performer is a reason to start setting aside time for training when naming the planned dates, since constant learning (without fanaticism, of course) is typical of a normal developer, from little things like learning features of new versions of the libraries used to comprehending new promising technologies.

Nikitascr, 2013-03-18

It happens that I discover new "chips" when I perform a normal work task. I just sometimes get carried away and experiment (of course, when time permits).

snp, 2013-03-18

Find a new job first, because "Eternal deadline, bloody diarrhea and heartache" is not normal. Of course, temporary hands-on work is acceptable, but not always. Alternatively, remove some of the tasks from yourself. Let the employer not be stingy and hire more employees to help you.
If I can’t spend 20% (yes, like in Google :) of my working time on my personal projects, on self-study - what the hell is such a job?

Godless, 2013-03-18

Fortunately, at my job, if there is no rush, I can set aside an hour to read something new + a legitimate lunch. Sometimes an hour is smeared for the whole working day ...
Well, outside of coursera's work.

super, 2013-03-18

You can study in your free time.

OnYourLips, 2013-03-18

If it is related to the current task, then while working on a project in which it will come in handy.
If not connected, then at home, for unpaid time, purely for yourself.

Puma Thailand, 2013-03-18

Well, let's start with the fact that there are a bunch of all sorts of conferences on the subject of work, and secondly, no one bothers to optimize the work so that there is time for learning. I remember at my first job everything was so optimized that I only read courses from intuit.ru all day

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