zotov782015-07-27 17:46:28
Time Management
zotov78, 2015-07-27 17:46:28

How do you increase your own productivity?

Problem: already a chronic lack of time. What have you really tried on yourself from those methods / techniques / tools to increase personal productivity? can be briefly: it works / does not work, the result.
Just don't offer to sleep/eat/breathe less. You need something specifically for optimization, the scope is not important, I think any technique can be adjusted to suit you.

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12 answer(s)
Stas Parshin, 2015-07-27

+ Keep a to-do list
+ Keep a project list
+ Choose the main ones and try to reduce the first two
+ Try to do one MIT (most important task) every day
+ Write all ideas in inbox and only then transfer them to lists
+ Find the right application for this all
+ Read GTD David Allen
+ Plant a tomato when you work. Pomodoro technique.
+ Turn off the sound on the phone .
+ Fight other time eaters.
But all this is possible only after accepting the thesis that there is no such problem as "lack of time". Everyone has the same time. Successful people are those who find time for important things.

Lexans, 2015-07-27

The root of the problem lies in your perception. Your perception of things, time is the problem.
You don't have to do everything you're told. Become independent: do what is in line with your values ​​and goals, which need to be carefully considered.
You don't have to spend all your time working. An effective person maintains a balance of work and leisure. Learn how to properly delegate tasks.
Increased productivity will not relieve you of the problem, but will only increase your anxiety about it. Only work on your character, perception will solve your problem, not new time management techniques.
ps This is how S. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, would say, which I encourage you to read or listen to if you're interested.

CAMOKPYT, 2015-07-27

No way, without options, saving on matches. It’s just that someone has more health and more motivation to stay awake and plow, someone has a better basic education and he learns some things more easily. Lack of time and a lot of things to do is a problem, and studying some methods there is an additional problem, an additional waste of time, it is dangerous and difficult to keep yourself under control because you don’t give yourself a normal rest emotionally, then a sense of duty pursues.

Andrey Larin, 2015-08-06

As the gentleman said above, first you need to decide that you need this efficiency, maybe you are raising it, but you hate work. When you like what you do, then increasing efficiency is a pleasure .
If you don’t do something chronically or put it off, then the reason is not at all in efficiency, or the lack of a “method”, your psyche subconsciously blocks behavior due to ... emotions. Yes, it happens very often. For example, I missed deadlines because of my perfectionism. I was afraid to experience the emotion of shame when handing over / showing to the customer, until I figured it out - I butted like a ram with a fence. Zero efficiency. (not the fact that you have the same case, you need to understand). Advisers "plow around the clock" in the furnace.
1) Disabled all notifications/distractions.
2) The Pomodoro Method
3) A single project management template (folder structure, clear names, notes for yourself)
4) MindMap with the structure of all projects (made go to the "archive" branch)
5) Good food and sleep.
6) I set realistic deadlines and do the most difficult and incomprehensible things at the beginning.
Something like this.

Yuri Kudrenko, 2015-10-22

I decided everything very simply for myself. On a working computer, no reading blogs, news, social networks, watching videos. All procastination is only with a tablet lying on the couch. An exception is only if you need to find something to work with.
It's amazing how much this increases productivity.
I wrote about this in my blog webdela.ru/blog/ppp/kak-ya-delayu-rutinnuyu-rabotu

⚡ Kotobotov ⚡, 2015-07-29

well, you’ll actually be advised the same everywhere -> decide on priorities, the pareto rule like 20% of work gives 80% of the result, throw out the non-priority 80% of the work, and you will lose only 20% of the result, but you can focus on more important things.
in general, learn to discard the unnecessary, concentrate on important tasks, not be distracted by a toaster or VKontakte, and you will be happy.
planning is usually used for this, in order to visually describe tasks, how much time it takes to see what you can get rid of, and what, on the contrary, to pay more attention to, well, delegate some of your tasks to others)

Renat Bugrov, 2015-08-06

The first moment is to decide WHY you need to be productive. it just might happen - that you don't need it or you don't understand why - then it makes no sense to even rock the boat - rest)
I personally adjusted it for myself under the base of the main instinct - "live" -> "be immortal" -> "leave a memory" - so I need to provide for offspring (myself) or leave a memory of myself (energy myself)
then it would be nice to understand how your brain works during temptations.
to understand about the priorities of the brain and "near" and "strategic goals" I recommend the book mcgonical - "willpower"
Plus it is interesting to read about the chemistry of the process - for example, "Brain and Happiness" by Henson
when you decide on the purpose of productivity - it would be nice to read covy - "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" for basic principles
and the technical part can vary personally - you have to find a recipe for yourself
for me personally helped
for work I spend energy that needs to be
replenished : sleep and sports and motorcycle - all that increases the chemistry of pleasure in the brain and does not waste energy. For example, alcohol and drugs - honest guys - give pleasure, but take the same amount later.
determine the time when I am most ready to work - morning
to remove all distractions - for example, for Facebook there is a chic plugin that cuts out the news feed, all sorts of toasters - in the furnace)
put myself a personal to-do tracker - for example todoist or any.do or wunderlist or toodledo
works fine for me todoist
calendar use for day/week planning - I use weekCal for iOS
to work with a team - I use a team tracker - now this worksection
is still important to reconcile with the fact - that there are always more things to do than you can do - and you don’t have to take a steam bath
, I’m doing only what can’t be NOT DONE at all,
the rest will wait

Roman Buns, 2015-07-27

As practice shows, the best practice is one task per unit of time. Each problem solved makes room for the next one.
Divide big tasks into small ones. If the task is not solved the first time, arrange a rest or switch.
Rest is also a challenge. (Here, try doing nothing at all for 2 minutes: www.donothingfor2minutes.com )

Andrey Zotov, 2015-07-27

Unless breaking any task into a finite number of smaller ones in complexity and / or execution time, writing it down somewhere and crossing it out, it helps a lot

Radmir, 2015-07-27

You hire a person on a salary, to whom you transfer most of the tasks. Doing everything yourself makes no sense at all.
If this is not enough, you hire another one.
It works for us =)

alk, 2015-07-28

No way) Otherwise, you can increase it to complete burnout

Buger157, 2016-11-20

I will answer with a fragment of an article from my blog that has not yet been published: I don’t want to be known as a Luddite, but I’m hardly alone in the idea that progress in one place masks degradation in another. Increasingly accelerating time forces us to discretize the smooth natural biorhythms of the transition from sleep to wakefulness by unnatural acceleration with coffee with nootropics and inhibition by sleeping pills and (or?) alcohol at the end of the day. To be something, you need to have something - Nietzsche said, but he hardly had in mind products and consumer society. And the artificial increase in productivity described above (notice here the sharply observed difference between the product and the effect) is just a raging id from the Freudian theory of personality, and to be precise, it is the ego itself, which is constantly irritated by hyperstimuli, hypersexuality of marketing pictures and images ...
If you are talking about productivity in writing code, then GTD, Mindmap and pomodoro will help you. A very useful book: Your own MBA.
PS The article will be here https://mentoristb.wordpress.com/

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