DJDiM2019-07-30 14:12:36
DJDiM, 2019-07-30 14:12:36

How can I organize remote access for Windows 10?

Requires remote access to a computer in the office on Win10. Solution for legal entities. The office has a dynamic IP. TeamViewer is very expensive, Anydesk is cheaper, but it still bites. I would like a free solution for commercial use. It is important to use it legally, without piracy.
Please tell me how to solve this issue, where to look?
UPD: You need the ability to connect in both directions (not at the same time, of course)

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4 answer(s)
Alexander Chernykh, 2019-07-30

free solution for commercial use

in the context of your question, there is no such solution,
or Litemanager is possible
, and even more so it is not clear whether one user must connect or two - one in the office and the other remotely

Norco-77, 2019-07-30

Kontur.VNC server - https://help3.kontur.ru/vnc?t=PVGLDV
On the machine from where you need to connect - Kontur.VNC Viewer.
No piracy, no time limit

Alexander, 2019-07-30

Free if white IP address, Win10 Pro(Enterprice) - RDP is disabled in Home according to the license.
I would recommend VPN followed by RDP, otherwise you will need strong passwords on a computer with RDP.
If you are interested in management (the user sees what is being done), then you can read here
. In general, in most cases, a simple connection to a computer is enough (the login screen hangs on the monitor).

Maxim Yaroshevich, 2019-08-08

Buying a permanent IP from a provider is a very inexpensive service, raising a VPN and connecting with anything - RDP, VNC - is the easiest way out of the situation.

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