danil_linkins2016-05-11 15:37:59
danil_linkins, 2016-05-11 15:37:59

How can I change the page background along with switching the main slider?

The essence is simple, it is necessary that when switching the slider on the main one, its main background changes.
Are there any ready-made solutions or an example, maybe just something related to this topic.
I use bxslider as a slider, but it doesn't matter.

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry Eremin, 2016-05-11

He, in the callBacks section, has onSlideAfter

default: function(){}
options: function($slideElement, oldIndex, newIndex){ // your code here }
  $slideElement: jQuery element of the destination element
  oldIndex: element index of the previous slide (before the transition)
  newIndex: element index of the destination slide (after the transition)

Fires every time the slide
is changed

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