CrewCut2016-04-18 14:01:31
CrewCut, 2016-04-18 14:01:31

How are paid plugins for wordpress made?

Where can I read how plugins with paid functionality for wordpress are made?
What copy protection methods are used, etc.?

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4 answer(s)
Alexey Nikolaev, 2016-04-18

No obfuscation, usually just impossible to update the plugin + no support. The bottom line is that each time to activate some functionality, you need to contact the server (or poll it periodically), if there is no subscription, there is no functionality.

xmoonlight, 2016-04-18

1. Regular sale: I agree with Alexey Nikolaev : open source and subscription to the TP and downloading updates.
2. VIP functionality: obfuscation, tokens and others.

Roman Fov, 2016-04-19

And what about the license in this case? As far as I know, wp is under the GPL... And products derived from the GPL product must inherit this license. And they should also be distributed with source codes. And it is impossible to forbid to distribute this code in principle.

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