id4di2019-06-23 23:46:36
id4di, 2019-06-23 23:46:36

How and with what to properly clean the contacts of SD cards so as not to damage them?

1. Can an ordinary eraser really do this, or can it only ruin the map?
2. How often is it better to clean? And from what stage of pollution?
3. Why does any device leave scratches on card contacts? Does it wear her out?

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7 answer(s)
Ronald McDonald, 2019-06-23

Why clean them at all?
Just with a cotton swab, you can moisten it in cologne, in an old-fashioned way ("Triple" taxis).
Traces are quite normal, the card is more likely to become outdated and die than you wipe them to holes.

Alexey Cheremisin, 2019-06-23

1) yes, the eraser helps
2) no, you don't need to clean it often. It needs to be cleaned when there are obvious signs of contamination and when it is not readable, before throwing
it away 3) this is due to the design of the reader connector, no, it does not wear out, absolutely.

CityCat4, 2019-06-24

For the first time I hear that they generally need to be cleaned :) The contacts are wide, the fit, as a rule, is tight in the plug - if a layer of oxide and dirt of several microns appears on the surface - it is torn off when inserted into the plug ...

Moskus, 2019-06-24

If you do not grab the card by the contacts with dirty fingers, do not use it in devices full of dust and debris, do not drop it in the dirt, you do not need to clean these contacts at all during the entire life of the card.

Viktor, 2019-06-26

1. Pollution has to be removed if there is no normal contact, but doing it with an eraser is at a loss. The eraser does not clean as much as it leaves its own material on the surface, contaminating it (and an ink eraser containing abrasive grains also strips off a thin gold coating, and can generally disrupt contact with this abrasive if a grain is introduced into the surface).
2. It is necessary to clean on the fact of non-work, and not on time. And why do you sin on the contacts of the card? After all, there are also plug-in contacts - how will you clean them?
3. Wears out, of course, but this is an application factor. If you want no wear, wrap it in a rag and don't touch it.

Diman89, 2019-06-24

It’s more correct not to ask “how to clean contacts” - it’s more correct not to get them dirty (how you manage to do this systematically is a mystery to me personally)
Scratches are contact points, without a connection anywhere

lonelymyp, 2019-06-25

I have never cleaned them in my life, it’s
even hard to imagine what should happen for them to stop contacting, it’s necessary to redeem the card in some kind of chemical reagent so that they are covered with a layer of oxide.
There should be scratches, it is thanks to them that there is contact.

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