rumkin2011-05-29 21:51:13
Domain Name System
rumkin, 2011-05-29 21:51:13

Hosts and folder organization for development

Dear audience. I develop projects in php, many different ones, I test different CMS, I write my own whales. For access, I like to use domains instead of nested folders, for example project-name.2011.dev , but every time I get fed up with registering hosts in host and apache.conf (there are about 40 projects in folders) and they are constantly being added. Attention question. Which way to dig / What mana to smoke to automatically redirect all requests like *.2011.dev to a folder with directories like .../dev/2011/*?

I am using Linux.

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9 answer(s)
Sergey Savostin, 2011-05-29

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.+)\.([0-9]+)\.dev$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /var/www/dev/%2/%1/$1 [E=VIRTUAL_HOST: ${HTTP_HOST},L]

zloyshaman, 2011-05-29

Write once .dev in hosts. And then resolve everything through mod_rewrite or whatever else you have on Apache.

tzlom, 2011-05-29

in hosts you will have to register all your subdomains, well, or raise a local DNS,
make a vhost and assign ServerAlias ​​*.upyachka.ru to it, direct it to the project
folder in the folder, place something similar to well, just replace the subdomain name with a grouping, and in the substitution it will also be something very close to what you want
RewriteEngine On
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^probe\.testpage\.local$
RewriteRule ^(.+) %{HTTP_HOST}$1
RewriteRule ^probe\.testpage\.local(.*)$ /probe%{REQUEST_URI} [L]

xRay, 2011-05-29

Here is a more or less recipe, there is an analogue of Denver automatic virtual hosts for Linux

Alexey Pomogaev, 2011-05-30

server-tuning.info/nginx/auto-subdomains.html - here's how it's done on nginx

Jazzist, 2011-05-31

1. Use the panel
2. I don’t want to use the panel, so I wrote a tool for this routine - whitepiano.ru/info/domains

Jazzist, 2011-05-31

And one more smart idea came about this - to write or find a plugin for the IDE so that when creating a project, it adds a virthost entry.

Jazzist, 2011-05-31

>automatically redirect all *.2011.dev requests to a folder with directories Sub-question
- why don't you like site.localhost?

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