Arthur Grand2018-09-23 15:03:58
Network administration
Arthur Grand, 2018-09-23 15:03:58

Has Timeweb been hacked or is it trying to corrupt websites?

There is a site on this hosting, recently I noticed that one js file is redirected with some probability to a script with advertising on another domain.
Instead of this file
solovey.ru/system/assets/js/sydes.js http://r.rtkrtb.com/?orig=http%3A%2F%2Fsolovey.ru%... is loaded
after one two F5. What to do? UPD: Technical support pretends to be rags and does not want to help. Moved to another hosting, redirects to advertising scripts stopped.

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3 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2018-09-23

Most likely you were hacked and hung ads

SagePtr, 2018-09-23

Hmm, and your provider is not Rostelecom by any chance? This "rtkrtb" is very suspicious

Ainur Valiev, 2018-09-23

TP, definitely. they will prompt

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