Pavel Malyshev2013-05-30 18:11:21
Pavel Malyshev, 2013-05-30 18:11:21

Has anyone tried to test the LG Smart TV app on an LG player with Smart TV function?

Good day!

I need to test the LG Smart TV app on a real device, but only LG Blue-Ray Player BKS-1000 with Smart TV function is available.

LG Apps work fine (install, run, etc.), there is a USB input, but when I use a USB flash drive to install my application as described here , I can’t find it in the MyApps section.

To be precise, when I insert a USB flash drive, a window appears where it is proposed to select the content that I want to read (Image, Music or Video). The application cannot be selected in this way, and if you close this window, then in the MyApps section there is neither an application nor a switch to a USB flash drive, as shown in the screenshots of the documentation.

Has anyone tried using players instead of TVs for testing?

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1 answer(s)
eiji, 2013-05-31

If the application is on the flash drive itself, then a media appears in the applications section that you need to select.
But in fact, it’s easier to take any official application that is already in the player, launch and dump traffic to see where it goes for the first time.
Next, on the machine nearby, raise apache and dns-server, put the files in apache, in the folder where the official application requests, make a record in dns that the official% domain% is on your machine with apache. Change the DNS on the player and launch the official application, after changing the DNS, yours will start.
The advantage of the solution is that you do not need to update the data on the flash drive every time, which greatly speeds up the debugging process.

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