Artyom2020-07-05 16:30:33
Artyom, 2020-07-05 16:30:33

Gulp keeps track but doesn't update non-main html, what's the problem?

Question. You don’t need to do a landing, and when you create the second html, you connect everything, you see in the terminal that Gulp monitors changes, but does not update the page. How to decide or what to change in gulpfile? Here is gulpfile

let project_folder = "dist";
let source_folder = "#src";

let path = {
  build: {
    html: project_folder + "/",
    css: project_folder + "/css/",
    js: project_folder + "/js/",
    img: project_folder + "/img/",
    fonts: project_folder + "/fonts/",
  src: {
    html: [source_folder + "/*.html", "!" + source_folder + "/_*.html", source_folder + "/*.html"],
    css: source_folder + "/scss/style.scss",
    js: source_folder + "/js/script.js",
    img: source_folder + "/img/**/*.{jpg,png,svg,gif,ico,webp}",
    fonts: source_folder + "/fonts/*.{eot,otf,svg,ttf,woff}",
  watch: {
    html: source_folder + "/**/*.html",
    css: source_folder + "/scss/**/*.scss",
    js: source_folder + "/js/**/*.js",
    img: source_folder + "/img/**/*.{jpg,png,svg,gif,ico,webp}",
  clean: "./" + project_folder + "/"


let { src, dest } = require('gulp'),
  gulp = require('gulp'),
  browsersync = require("browser-sync").create(),
  fileinclude = require("gulp-file-include"),
  del = require("del"),
  scss = require("gulp-sass"),
  autoprefixer = require("gulp-autoprefixer"),
  group_media = require("gulp-group-css-media-queries"),
  clean_css = require("gulp-clean-css"),
  rename = require("gulp-rename"),
  uglify = require("gulp-uglify-es").default,
  imagemin = require("gulp-imagemin"),
  webp = require("gulp-webp"),
  webphtml = require("gulp-webp-html"),
  webpcss = require("gulp-webpcss");

function browserSync(params) {
    server: {
      baseDir: "./" + project_folder + "/"
    port: 3000,
    notify: false

function html() {
  return src(path.src.html)

function css() {
  return src(path.src.css)
        outputStyle: "expanded"
        grid: true,
        overrideBrowserslist: ["last 5 versions"],
        cascode: true
        extname: ".min.css"

function js() {
  return src(path.src.js)
        extname: ".min.js"

function images() {
  return src(path.src.img)
        quality: 75
        progressive: true,
        svgoPlugins: [{ removeVievBox: false }],
        interlaced: true,
        optimizationLevel: 3

function watchFiles(params) {
  gulp.watch([path.watch.html], html);
  gulp.watch([path.watch.css], css);
  gulp.watch([path.watch.js], js);
  gulp.watch([path.watch.img], images);

function clean(params) {
  return del(path.clean);

let build = gulp.series(clean, gulp.parallel(js, css, html, images));
let watch = gulp.parallel(build, watchFiles, browserSync);

exports.images = images;
exports.js = js;
exports.css = css;
exports.build = build;
exports.html = html;
exports.watch = watch;
exports.default = watch;

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1 answer(s)
Victor Poltoratsky, 2020-12-29

return src(path.src.html, {}) try
and check the correctness of the html path: source_folder + "/**/*.html",
the path is obviously not correct here
The problem should be described more precisely in the console

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