vadim_art2011-09-22 09:21:42
satellite navigation
vadim_art, 2011-09-22 09:21:42

GPS in HTC Desire HD?

There is a device called HTC Desire HD with Android 2.3 on board.
The problem is that the GPS does not determine the location.
Outside the city, everything works without problems and accurately.
There is already a problem in the city! Cold start does nothing. On the street, it does not determine the coordinates, even more so indoors.
If you turn on the “Use wireless networks” checkbox and turn on Wi-Fi (namely Wi-Fi), then everything works, but I would like to use GPS without connecting to Wi-Fi.
This problem prevents you from taking full advantage of location services.
Has anyone faced a similar issue? And if so, please tell me how you solved it?
Thanks in advance.

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7 answer(s)
try4tune, 2011-09-22

In the room to catch and will not. No receiver will receive enough information inside a building. And on the street, reception quality may deteriorate due to high-rise buildings, power lines.
Does it not determine coordinates on your street at all? Or do you have to wait a very long time? (20-30 minutes?)

alexmuz, 2011-09-22

Try installing the GPS Test program market.android.com/details?id=com.chartcross.gpstest
Then go to settings and click Clear A-GPS there.
It helped me at the time.

irsick, 2011-09-23

I am using an external bluetooth receiver along with a Bluetooth GPS Provider .

  • Significantly higher positioning accuracy;
  • The communicator's battery is consumed significantly less (especially noticeable for DHD), because. the receiver uses a free battery, and the bluetooth connection does not require many resources;

  • Working with an external receiver is cumbersome and inconvenient, especially when you need to quickly determine your location. It is convenient to use, mainly during outings into nature;

irsick, 2011-09-23

Also try to update the version of the radio module and RIL (the latter is usually included in the custom build). In addition to improved communication quality and GPS signal reception, power consumption may be reduced. With the wrong choice, the opposite effects are possible.
The optimal combination of firmware + radio module is determined by feedback on the forums, or experimentally.
Usually, the authors of custom firmware themselves recommend certain firmware versions for the radio module.
My DHD is running Revolution HD 6.1.1 and Radio_12.62.60.27_26.13.04.19_M. The flight is normal (although the “miracles” promised above are not particularly felt).

Anton Spirin, 2011-09-22

I don’t want to upset you, I solved a similar problem like this: if it doesn’t catch indoors - go outside, if it doesn’t catch on the street - change the device. Why torture yourself.
True, I didn’t really understand what you meant by the phrase “geolocation services”. I needed navigation.

KaVaLer, 2011-09-27

I didn’t quite understand - if wi-fi helps the gps module navigate, then why not take advantage of this opportunity? Or you don't want to keep wi-fi on all the time? The fact is that with the use of A-GPS (i.e., positioning using both GPS and navigation on the BS and Wi-Fi hotspots), the location is determined much faster.

vadim_art, 2013-05-21

Everything, I solved the problem by soldering
, 10 satellites were found in one fell swoop ...

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