Delsian2011-11-19 22:26:25
Delsian, 2011-11-19 22:26:25

Google Music and Russian tags?

I subscribed to Google Music, the service is excellent, but I immediately stepped on a completely obvious rake. Since the service is geared towards Americans, all Russian-language song tags have turned into crocodiles. At the same time, if you manually rewrite the tag in the properties, then the Russian name starts to be displayed correctly.
Question to the community - is there any patch or converter that can change tags in already uploaded music?
I know how to convert CP1251 to UTF on local disk, but music manager won't update the transcoded songs.
Or is the only way out - to erase everything flooded and fill it with a new one after recoding?

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6 answer(s)
Zigmar, 2011-11-20

I also searched, but it seems that the only way out is to re-upload.

mpMelnikov, 2011-11-20

Yes. Wipe everything and refill. The functionality of the music manager is very limited, for example, in order to re-upload a deleted melody, you need to transfer it to another folder. What does this decision say in the official help.

Alexey Grichenko, 2011-11-21

All tags must be in Unicode. I set up mp3tag for myself so that when I save it, it will convert everything to unicode. Before uploading, I run all the files through it. Works.

Delsian, 2011-11-21

"Quietly with yourself"
So, a solution has been found. A little crooked, but it did not work out differently.
We make a playlist from crocozyabr files (click on the first track and shift-click on the last one, they are sorted by name in a row). On an android phone (probably, it is also possible in an emulator?) We put Google Music App, mark the playlist as available offline.
After an hour and a half, when everything is pumped out, go to /Android/data/com.google.android.music/cache/music, run a batch rename of tags and copy the result to the local disk, delete the crocodile files in Google Music and upload the corrected ones.
Something like that.

Stanislav Agarkov, 2012-01-05

And how do you use it if it is not available from Russia?

semenovalexandr, 2019-07-16

Here is the solution in 2 clicks

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