mletov2019-06-03 09:29:07
contextual advertising
mletov, 2019-06-03 09:29:07

Google is blocking ads for a computer repair service. How to get around?

For about half a year, there was such an advertisement:
"We repair computers in Orel
Free diagnostics
High quality work and a flexible system of discounts"
Everything was fine. And then comes the letter of happiness.
"Announcement status: Rejected
Problems: Third-party consumer technical support"
I suspect that this is a Western obsession with licensing, if you want to fix a poppy - get a license from Apple, if you want to repair Samsung - from Samsung, etc.
But at the same time similar sites with a similar advertising both hung and hang in adwords. What is the opinion, have they all received licenses from all imaginable and unimaginable manufacturers, or is it just that Google has not yet reached them and the advertising of non-accredited computer services is coming to an end?
PS specific brands are not indicated in the ads, just an abstract computer repair

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3 answer(s)
Lone Ice, 2019-06-03

No way. https://support.google.com/adspolicy/answer/6368711

Taikers, 2020-10-25

Now there is a sup-line.ru service, they launch advertising in Google for service centers.

itmaster24, 2020-09-17

Advertising service centers in Google Adwords We have invented a unique method of bypassing without documents, certificates, etc. If someone is interested, please write to [email protected] , telegram) we will be happy to help. Commercial offer CAN ALSO CONSIDER
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