Lisson2019-11-15 15:49:56
Career in IT
Lisson, 2019-11-15 15:49:56

Go to university or go to work after high school?

Goal: Become a UI/UX designer.
Initially, I assumed that I would work after graduation ("Applied Mathematics and Informatics"). Now I think that in this way I will lose time, especially since I am not eager to study for this specialty. I won’t be able to enter design specialties on a budget (I don’t know how to draw and I don’t know literature well), so I don’t consider them at all.
Personally, I am for a job after school, as I will quickly join the IT field, and by the time my peers graduate from the university, I will have a portfolio + work experience. At the same time, I am haunted by the fact that I will not have a higher education (there may be problems with employment).
I plan to solve the problem with the army through the ACS.
Now I am in a stupor and do not know how best to proceed (start preparing for exams or prepare a portfolio).
I would really like to know what would you do in my place?

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9 answer(s)
Ronald McDonald, 2019-11-15

University, no options.
Anyway, then you have to go, so throw your infantile excuses in the spirit of "oh, I need this, oh, yes, I know better" and go ahead, gnaw on the granite of science.
Uh-huh, and here we are waiting with open arms for half-educated people who could not even learn in sharaga and honestly speak about their competence.
I haven't read any further, so I advise you to listen.

Saboteur, 2019-11-15

"Goal: to become a UI/UX designer."
"I won't be able to enter the design specialties on the budget (I can't draw and I don't know literature well), so I don't consider them at all."
"Personally, I'm going to work after school, as I will quickly join the IT field,"
That is, you are not even able to master the entrance exams, but do you think that someone in the IT field will need you with such data?
"and by the time my peers graduate from high school, I will have a portfolio + work experience."
Or you will have a portfolio of work in the form of drawing 1000 icons for a shitty flash toy at 2 rubles per icon, and peers have a higher education and a portfolio for a hobby- projects with which they will immediately get a salary three times higher than yours, and continue to develop.
If you have heard somewhere about how people without education get employed in IT and make a career, then you need to understand that basically these are people who, during school, not only knew how to work, but by the end of school they had practically created their own company , to support their own product.
You can leave the Institute at any time.

Sergey Gornostaev, 2019-11-15

In your place, I went to study and work.

Dmitry Shumov, 2019-11-15

And I'm wondering why you think that your question is individual? Probably not a day goes by here that the question is not asked: work or study? Read to get started.
If you are too lazy to read, go to McDonald's to work.

Kerm, 2019-11-15

University, but do not expect that you will get the knowledge you need for what you want to do in the future, this will only give you experience and narrowly focused advanced training courses. The university will give you something different, expand your horizons, increase your general literacy in many areas, teach you to think more correctly, express your thoughts and understand other people, in general, give you the necessary foundations, thanks to which you will better learn all the rest knowledge that you will receive after it.

camelCaseVlad, 2019-11-15

It so happened that I couldn’t even finish college, I didn’t even master 11 classes. I regret it. Always cringes when you need to fill in the education column. Go study and work at the same time.

ittakir, 2019-11-15

In general, 4 years of study at a university compared to the duration of the rest of life is a rather short period. But even at this time, you do not waste time in vain, but
1. Study, oddly enough. There are subjects that are definitely not needed, such as philosophy, but there are also useful ones.
2. Find new acquaintances, communicate. It is quite possible that you will find yourself a wife, a bunch of friends, and start a startup with a classmate.
3. Mow away the army.
4. Get a bachelor's degree with which you can emigrate.
5. Earn money.
So if possible, go to college. But not the most difficult, but some simpler.

Ruslan Ganeev, 2019-11-15

I think your parents already know where they will send you)

Andrew, 2019-11-15

To study.

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