Sia Gummers2018-09-03 14:52:29
Sia Gummers, 2018-09-03 14:52:29

Getting connection reset error in Google Chrome 2018 update?

I recently bought a Chromebook that doesn't load a js file that even lies on the same server.
The error I'm seeing is this:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
I tried to reinstall my Google Chrome version but I'm seeing the same error. Please let me know any Javascript related fix. thanks to

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2 answer(s)
akkijordan007, 2018-09-03

This is related to the AppEx Networks Accelerator feature. You need to disable the Disable AppEx Networks Accelerator option in the properties of the network card. Maybe this will help https://validedge.com/err_connection_reset/ .
Go to method #4 to get rid of this error.

Sia Gummers, 2018-09-03

Hey! Thanks for the solution.
However, method 4 suggested doesn't actually work.
I used the 6th fix and it worked like a charm. Thanks a ton!

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