timofy2017-08-12 15:52:35
timofy, 2017-08-12 15:52:35

Function does not work when clicking on an element with the ng-click attribute?

The essence of the question is as follows:
there is such an html code:
<span ng-click="childComment()">Comment 1</span>
and something like this javascript code:

var commentsApp = angular.module('commentsApp', []);
commentsApp.controller("commentsController", function ($scope, $http, $timeout) {

       $scope.childComment = function () {
       $timeout(function () {
             var span2 = angular.element('<span>')
                            .attr('ng-click', 'childComment()').text('Comment 2');
        }, 1000);

Two span elements respectively appear in the browser: "Comment 1" and "Comment 2". When you click on the "Comment 1" element, the $scope.childComment() function fires and "OK" is displayed in the console, but when you click on the "Comment 2" element, nothing happens and nothing appears in the browser console.
At first I thought that the "Comment 2" element was not in the scope of the $scope.childComment() function, but in this case I think that the browser would throw an error that such a function does not exist.
What could be the reason? Maybe in using the $timeout service?

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1 answer(s)
Nicholas, 2017-08-12

By itself, adding an attribute doesn't tell Angular anything. You need to either: use $compile on the specified piece of DOM, or insert DOM through angular (ng-bind-html)

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