eegmak2021-09-25 20:32:57
eegmak, 2021-09-25 20:32:57

Frontend for ssh in android?

There is an idea to make an application on Android that, using buttons, will send commands to the terminal console connected via ssh and receive information in the same connection and display it beautifully. Tell me, what are the possibilities to make a frontend on top of the ssh terminal?

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2 answer(s)
Oleg, 2021-09-25

What kind of special features do you need?
two threads. One writes, the other reads from a network socket.
Parse incoming data. Decorate beautifully. In the recycle view (or listview), display it so that it scrolls smoothly.
If past results do not need to be scrolled back, then in general a webView or TextView will do.
It is possible to output beautifully through SpannableStringBuilder.
Well, so that the main Handler thread does not slow down.
PS And what are the existing ones not satisfied with? Termius for example?

Alexander Karabanov, 2021-09-25

You can write a plugin.

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