Alex Polyakh2017-06-04 11:52:59
Alex Polyakh, 2017-06-04 11:52:59

Freelance, work for lawyers on upwork, in which section should I look for tasks?

Good time of the day.
If anyone has experience working at upwrok as a lawyer?
Please tell me in which section to look for legal tasks. spheres.
Thanks a lot for your help.

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3 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2017-06-04

and then search for phrases like agreement blah blah

Puma Thailand, 2017-06-04

Do you have a lot of experience in Western legal practice?
it’s easier to get a job here locally, lawyers’ salaries are exorbitant.

mgremlin, 2017-06-29

Do you really have something to offer on UpWork? Indeed, in America, being a lawyer is not just like that, it's not even a matter of a diploma, a license is needed, and, most often, liability insurance. Or do you want to offer the services of a lawyer in Ukraine there?
Again - there is a difficult question in which area of ​​law you are going to work. Everything that may require personal representation, as I understand it, is eliminated, that is, it is only the preparation of documents and consultations.
In fact, there is a job for a Russian-speaking lawyer in US corporate law. But how to deal with trust is a question. If you are ready to answer this question, I will suggest a couple of moves.

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