youlose2015-12-16 00:36:54
Google Chrome
youlose, 2015-12-16 00:36:54

For which browser is it easier to write extensions for Firefox or Chrome?

I want to write an extension for tricky form filling. But I do not have enough time, so I would like to ask people who have experience in developing for these two browsers: "For which browser is it easier to write extensions faster?"
PS The extension will fill out forms in a semi-manual form, that is, I myself will call it with a hot button from the page. It will pop up a window to search for a template alias based on a prefix tree (like sublime text files are quick to open). And fill in one field at once part of the form.

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2 answer(s)
Alexey Yarkov, 2015-12-16

Definitely Chrome!

Valentine, 2015-12-16

If the filling is not tricky, you can take firefox + vimperator and just make a macro.

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