majus2013-10-31 17:22:55
Network administration
majus, 2013-10-31 17:22:55

FirstVDS asking for passport scan?

I needed to change the phone number associated with my FirstVDS account. At the moment I am in correspondence with support and they insistently demand to send them a scan of my passport. They explain this by saying that they need to make sure that the request is made by the account owner, and not by a third party.
Sharing my personal data is not in my habit, so I do not want to send any scans. Moreover, when registering an account, passport data were not indicated. Obviously, a scan of the passport will confirm my identity to them no more than an Alyonushka chocolate bar wrapper. Now I have full access to the account and email to which the account was registered.
Tell me how to correctly send them and achieve a change in phone number?

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4 answer(s)
Nikita, 2013-10-31

Their support staff perform a stupid procedure, in fact, of course, they don’t need them, but the rules say what is needed. They demanded the same thing from me, only in another office, only a personal visit helped.

Puma Thailand, 2013-11-01

Well make a left scan with left data in the passport scan generator

yparah, 2013-11-01

Sketch critical data (number, series) in your passport and send it with peace of mind. And you're safe, and they'll get the scan they need.

ASovetov, 2013-11-02

Send a scan of the rights or other document for example. Or change host. although the guys are not bad. I wrote a review and test of their vdsok at one time. The guys were pretty good. and everything was provided for the test for free and just do a pleasant conversation. although I never took my vdski to them ... I keep it elsewhere.
So I think a review of them or other vdsok will be useful to Habr ... or they will immediately merge all the karma =)

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