komputersh4ik2020-08-08 14:15:05
Computer networks
komputersh4ik, 2020-08-08 14:15:05

I connected the Internet cable to the Internet outlet, everything works, but the Internet disappears from time to time for me, and not for the provider's side?

Internet is available but disappears and speeds drop from time to time

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3 answer(s)
ThunderCat, 2020-08-08

Crappy cable
Crappy router
Broken network connection
Viruses (unlikely) PI
provider... lies that the problem is on your side
When you watch pornhub, the cable passes from the side of an actively moving hand and the connector staggers
Just a shitty crimped cable
In short, I wrote everything that the crystal ball gave out...

Lev Zabudkin, 2020-08-09

Re-compress RJ-45 at least.

Alexander, 2020-08-12

Most likely the problem is the outlet itself, if possible, try using another one.

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