martensit2019-09-15 04:09:45
Network administration
martensit, 2019-09-15 04:09:45

Fiber to Home (GPON) + PPPOE?

Rostelecom in my city connects home Internet via PPPOE + GPON.
If fiber optics enters the apartment (never encountered this), will the PPPOE connection go up on my computer? If a twisted pair cable is extended from the ONU (ONT) to the PC?
Or will the PPPOE connection be lifted by the ONU (ONT) itself?

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2 answer(s)
xmoonlight, 2019-09-15

Or will the PPPOE connection be lifted by the ONU (ONT) itself?
(and up the history: yes, no)

Talyan, 2019-09-15

To be honest, I don’t quite understand why Rostelecom distributes its optical terminals to subscribers, which are pre-configured in bridge mode, and not a router, but it seems to me that this is done so that the user does not climb into the terminal settings, since he will never change them have to.
In addition, these terminals are also output equipment for IPTV, VoIP, and if any student changes VLANs in the settings there, calls will start to the TP like "You are bad, our Internet has stopped working, and TV, and telephone."
And so - the user is only responsible for the settings of the local network in his area of ​​responsibility.
And after the terminal converts the optical signal to ethernet, at the output of the terminal we get a well-known LAN port ready for everyone, from which you can configure any of your routers in 2.4GHx, 5GHz mode, and with any local subnet.
I don't see any other reasons why the subscriber has to fence 2 boxes each.
And so - yes. In theory, it would be possible to raise a PPPoE session on the optical terminal and give you ready-made Internet from the LAN port.

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