Waynenn2020-01-19 18:06:31
Waynenn, 2020-01-19 18:06:31

Economy/shop bot on Discord.js?

Hello! I need help, I'd like to add a shop/coin system to my system. People communicate, and for communication they receive coins. For coins, they could buy roles in the store, which, for example, I would show in the code. I understand that it must be done from scratch. But if you saw such a source somewhere, could you give a link or help with the development of such a bot, suggest what needs to be done and how. What and where to look. Thanks in advance

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2 answer(s)
TolaF, 2020-05-13

Here is the code:
To make it work you need the fs module.
First you create a file (where your index.js is located) called profile.json , then write this in it {}and run the bot
In index.js:

let profile = require('./profile.json') //Подключаем профили, эту строку надо поставить в самом начале кода после подключения всех модулей

client.on('message', async message => {

let uid = message.author.id
let u = profile[uid]
if (!profile[uid]){ //Если нету профиля, создаем
    profile[uid] = {
    u.sms++; //Подчет сообщений участника
    u.money++; //За каждое сообщение по монетке)
    if (u.xp>= (u.lvl * 50)){ //Если участник написал 50 сообщений, он получает левел
        u.xp = 0;
        u.lvl += 1;
    fs.writeFile('./profile.json',JSON.stringify(profile),(err)=>{ //Записываем в файл
        if(err) console.log(err)

Show also in messages ${u.money}
Mark as solution if everything is correct)

lolchik, 2020-01-20

Not exactly what you wanted, but approximately it

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