DmitryKoterov2012-06-04 21:42:30
Electronic books
DmitryKoterov, 2012-06-04 21:42:30

E-book for mother-in-law - please advise

You need to choose an e-book (e-ink) as a birthday present for your mother-in-law. The main criterion is to make it easy for even a teapot to download books in different formats and IN RUSSIAN (computer with Windows 7), and that the font size is comfortable for reading (but this is probably OK everywhere).

As you understand, there is only one attempt. Either pan or gone. :-)

(Before that, I had the first Sony Reader, and it doesn’t meet the criterion at all - when downloading Russian texts, it was necessary to perform somersaults that you wouldn’t wish on your enemy.)

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12 answer(s)
NemeZZiZZ, 2012-06-05

Flash your Sony Reader with firmware from ebook Applications - and the most inexperienced user will cope with it. I would recommend exactly Sony PRS + firmware.

meDveD_spb, 2012-06-05

Nook / Kindle, throw books through Calibri.

GolerGkA, 2012-06-10

Despite the fact that the question is about the ebook, I can’t stand it and still recommend the iPad.
Firstly, in terms of display, even the second (previous) one is better than all readers combined. There is no point in talking about a new one with a retina.
And secondly, instead of downloading books, it's easier to put a bookmate with a subscription for a year (only $50), which will probably contain 99% of the books that the mother-in-law wants to read.

sev, 2012-06-04

I bought my PocketBook 912, she is very pleased.

dsd_corp, 2012-06-04

Pocketbook. For such situations, it seems to be the best solution.

Alexey, 2012-06-04

I have a Digma Q600 , I bought it for 4k, it seems. Now it is on the market for 5.
All popular formats, no Cyrillic tambourines. Good for everything in general.
Except PDF. Well, if your wife's mother does not consider it critical that the not quite adequate navigation through footnotes in FB2 is critical.

BelousAV, 2012-06-05

Poketbuk 612pro, I'm not a problem for Russians, it reads many formats. You can adjust the font size on the fly, you can assign actions to all buttons in the settings. Well, by default, everything is in Russian.

Timur Faizullin, 2012-06-05

Digma e500 itself (5 inches, aluminum back cover, very thin and light) - market.yandex.ru/model.xml?modelid=6176415&hid=2417247
If you need 6 inches, I advise Digma e601HD - market.yandex.ru/model .xml?modelid=7746374&hid=2417247
The hardware is the same, the screen is improved, the firmware is being released. Reads everything, works quickly. Management is very simple, unlike many other readers.

ViGilant, 2012-06-05

my mother uses the e500 digm, for a long time already, she was pleased with
my Kindle, she also liked it, sort of =)

ergil, 2012-06-06

Mother was given an Amazon Kindle for 54 years. Reads books, quite satisfied, uploads herself

stepank, 2012-06-06

I recently bought a pocket book touch 622, my mother-in-law, oddly enough, is happy, she figured it out, it seems. but my personal opinion is that I will never buy this craft a second time in my life: buggy (I often have to reboot due to freezes), slow (especially if you insert a card), the screen, although the e-ink pearl is very grayish and not contrast ( compare with my kindle touch). in general, of the pluses, only that it is assembled well, otherwise it is terrible.
As for the kindle touch, I am very pleased with it, my wife too, but I don’t know how much this device will suit my mother-in-law. for me personally, its main plus is the amazon store, but not everyone needs it

PuzzleW, 2012-06-06

pocketbook 602/612/611/touch - here it's your choice, look here: www.pocketbook-int.com/ua/products/compare/261%2B1696%2B2112%2B2885
611 for mom - went with a bang.

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