antivir2011-03-27 19:58:24
Domain name market
antivir, 2011-03-27 19:58:24

Domain name that differs by one letter - will there be problems?

Greetings, Habr!
There is, for example, the domain vittaprom.ru (does not exist). The company has registered trademarks - "VittaProm" and "Vittaprom".
Someone registers the domain wittaprom.ru. Can he have problems with this and can the first company take the domain through the court?

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5 answer(s)
Anatoly, 2011-03-27

It will be necessary to pick up, money is everything.

YBV, 2011-03-27

In the .ru zone, the budgets of the plaintiff and the defendant are decided.
At one time, I traded at an auction for an expired English version of the RosAtom website http://www.rosatom.com
You can adopt the winning bidding approach by looking at the content of the site :)

Zevaka, 2011-03-27

register vittapron.com soon

q0p, 2011-03-27

Maybe, if the court recognizes the presence of malicious intent in the 2nd company.

Mikhail Shevtsov, 2011-03-27

If the owner is an entrepreneur or legal entity. If the person and domain wittaprom.ru is used for the sale/advertising of something similar to goods/services under the VittaProm and Vittaprom trademarks, then this can most likely fall under unfair competition. If so, and also if the wittaprom.ru domain was registered later than the VittaProm and Vittaprom trademarks, then they will “take away”.

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