Agrigattor2015-04-23 09:04:39
IT education
Agrigattor, 2015-04-23 09:04:39

Does the "name" of the university matter?

Does the "name" of the university matter when applying for a master's program or when applying for a job abroad? With a focus on career growth in our country?

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8 answer(s)
Zhainar, 2015-04-23

Only your knowledge matters.
I have never seen when applying for a job they say "Mmm, yes, you have a diploma from a Super Duper University, we will hire you even without an interview and an internship, and we will give you the highest salary in our office."
And if you are still taken to such an office, then you should think about the professionalism of future employers.

mamkaololosha, 2015-04-23

Here is the situation. There are 5-7 top universities: Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, Bauman and others. And there are 100500 "C grade". Seeing your university and specialty, the employer can estimate your knowledge and skills. You don't have to think they are stupid. Each of them interviews 500-1000 people a year, and it’s clear what the fuck is going on with the call base, faculties, and so on. And of course they know where the top comes from and where the non-top comes from.

Roman, 2015-04-23

I will speak on the magistracy, since the academic sphere is close to me.
It has. Of course, as comrade Zhainar said with a diploma from a good university, you will not be given a 100% positive answer. But if you are from some "Zadrypinsky Institute", then you will have to prove in practice that you are worthy. And very zealously - articles, conferences, etc. will play a big role. Because someone from the University of Luzana, or TU Delft can apply for your place. Who do you think will be preferred?
+ There is also such a factor as the recognition of the university. In some countries (Germany, for example), diplomas of not all universities are recognized, and it may turn out that after studying for 4 years in your home country, "there" you will have to apply for a bachelor's degree on a new one, since your diploma is absolute 0.

Sergei Borisov, 2015-04-23

About abroad. Specifically, about Germany. They have a list of Soviet universities (including, of course, Russian ones), whose diplomas they accept. And this list, by the way, is not replenished, although universities in Russia have bred. At the same time, some of these universities are classified as institutions, some as universities (many Russian institutions have become universities here, but in Germany they are still institutions). A fresh university graduate can count on a higher salary at the start than a fresh institute graduate. Moreover, the difference can be 4-5 thousand euros per year. Of course, they look at knowledge and skills, but a diploma also plays an important role if you haven’t had time to really work anywhere. If several years have passed since the release and the person has a track record, this difference is leveled.

kstyle, 2015-04-23

there is. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Moscow State University - sounds.

Puma Thailand, 2015-04-23

We do not have IT.
In the West, in general, no one really knows anything about our universities.

Elena, 2015-04-23

Today, only knowledge is valued, and in most cases they don’t even look at the “piece of paper”.

Dum_spiro_spero, 2015-05-01

No need to reassure yourself that you can study at a bad university, but be super capable.
A good university is a
) initial selection to the university itself
b) high-quality courses and teachers
c) a high-quality environment of classmates.
Not later than a year ago, my friend, who graduated from the Moscow State University, without any problems, got a job in the analytical department of a certain Moscow bank for a salary of 50 thousand rubles.
(It is not the RFP that is interesting here, but what is not in technical support and not a system administrator, i.e. not a technical specialist).
According to the experience of communicating with graduates of various universities - Moscow State University, Phystech - on average, they are smarter than graduates of MSTU, MPEI, MEPhI. There are also smart comrades there - but you have to choose much more carefully.
About the west. Many universities are in contact with foreign laboratories. Several familiar graduates went to Germany, France, USA, Israel. This is Moscow State University, MPEI. I won’t say offhand about MIPT.

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