deeppines2015-09-10 11:08:41
deeppines, 2015-09-10 11:08:41

Does ie8 emulation support after and before pseudo-elements?

I ran into a problem with emulation.
I open the site in IE11, in the developer tools I set the document mode to IE8 and after that the after and before pseudo-elements are not displayed. In the DOM explorer, blocks with pseudo-elements lose the css description of after and before, so z-index-based crutches simply do not work.
In this connection, the question is, is this an emulation bug or is it my mistake in css? Has anyone experienced something similar?

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1 answer(s)
Sergey delphinpro, 2015-09-10

IE8 only supports the syntax for describing these pseudo-elements with a single colon
div:before {}
Could this be the issue?

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