Ty392021-01-26 13:30:33
Search Engine Optimization
Ty39, 2021-01-26 13:30:33

Does html markup matter when defining heading structure?

Faced such a problem. I can't write H1 and H2 pages at the same time. It turns out such a story (see screen.)
Question: In this case, what will search engines give priority to when indexing?
1 option. Header nesting. Priority H1.
Option 2. According to the code hierarchy. It turns out on the contrary, the priority will go to H2.

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2 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2021-01-26

You have one title and one subtitle
What's with the code hierarchy and nesting? Firstly, this is the same thing, since the language is one html and it is interpreted unambiguously in this case.

Danny Arty, 2021-01-26

Faced such a problem. I can't write H1 and H2 pages at the same time.

Judging by the screenshot, you have both H1 and H2 headings
In this case, search engines will give priority to indexing?

H1 - the title of the page, it should make it clear to the robot what the content of this page will be about. There can be more than one H2 on a page, unlike H1.
At the same time, the presence of headings is good for the site's SEO indicators, but at the same time, they do not affect the ranking in any way.

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