armadillo-cld2020-05-27 13:50:52
Network administration
armadillo-cld, 2020-05-27 13:50:52

Does an ISP have the right to refuse to open ports?

It was necessary to open a port for the server.
I called the provider. He said that it was necessary to open the port, in response he heard that this port was open, they boldly asked "any other questions?" I said "No". They disconnected, after - checked - writes "the port is closed". Did I do something wrong? I heard that they don't have the right to refuse to open ports...

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3 answer(s)
Andrey Gavrilov, 2020-05-27

They are right, even more so. usually you need to buy a dedicated ip, also some ports can be closed like 25.

CityCat4, 2020-05-27

Your relationship with the provider is regulated only by the contract. What is written in the contract is what he is entitled to. Provs often close port 25, they can still cover 1723, but these are mostly mobile operators.

Zzzz9, 2020-05-27

I suppose that you need to start the service, which will listen to the port, if you connect from far away, then you need to forward this port through the router.

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