TamirlanTo2020-08-08 15:40:31
TamirlanTo, 2020-08-08 15:40:31

Does an Internet Marketer Need Web Design Skills?

Hello everyone, I apologize in advance for a stupid question, I'm starting my journey in the field of Internet marketing, and in addition to this, I have a desire to study web design and layout. I would like to know if you need web design skills to work with an Internet marketer? Thank you for your attention.

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4 answer(s)
Sanes, 2020-08-08

A marketer needs to be able to sell. Nothing more is required of him.

Nikita Shinkevich, 2020-08-08

No, you don't need to... Hire a designer, and also a layout designer... You will pay them. Will you? Ready?
Today, no one needs a marketer as such, as a self-taught marketer I will say one thing - 99% of them are parasites who will never answer with money for anything. And if I need him to delegate my trouble to other people's shoulders, then you will need a man-orchestra who knows everything that goes adjacent at a basic level.
And it turns out, excuse me, that “we don’t know how to fuck women, but we can hold a candle” ...
Well, I have 20 contract automatic transmissions for Opel Astra. I come and say: dear, everything needs to be done by tomorrow to sell them: target audience, segments, customized advertising campaign, landing page, etc. What can you, as a marketer, offer me, what can I do myself?

Puma Thailand, 2020-08-08

No, it's much cheaper to hire a designer or an artist

Sergey, 2020-08-13

The more related skills, the more valuable you are. This applies to any profession.

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