Alex P.2019-06-21 21:34:46
Alex P., 2019-06-21 21:34:46

Does a web designer need knowledge of canvas? If yes, how deep?

Is there a practical need for a layout designer to know canvas, how often in practice do you have to meet the requirement to do something on canvas without using ready-made libraries, with handles yourself? At the same time equally the question applies to SVG.

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2 answer(s)
Ivan Bogachev, 2019-06-21

Most layout designers do not know how to work with canvas, rivet the same type of sites on the bootstrap and are satisfied with life. This question can be closed. But sometimes there are tasks like three-dimensional presentations of goods or some simple constructors - here already a minimum experience with three.js or analogues will be useful. It is not necessary to remember everything, but the general idea should be.
There are also non-standard advertising sites with a variety of complex animations, including those with shaders. It’s not only canvas, here in general you need to be able to do a rather specific layout. Someone has never encountered them in their entire career, while someone specializes in this and gets good money. But this is a separate issue.
SVG at the level of "embed in the page", "hang handler on mouse click" and "animate individual values" comes in handy regularly. Well, sometimes on the same non-standard sites it is useful to play with masks. Something complex in SVG is rarely done due to performance issues.
ZY: Do not limit yourself in knowledge. For a professional, it is better when knowledge exists and is not needed, than when it is needed, but it never existed.

dollar, 2019-06-21

What is there to know?
If you know the JavaScript language well, then any task on canvas can be quickly solved using the documentation or Google. That is, you may not know canvas (unless you need it for an interview). As soon as a task appears, you start doing it, simultaneously opening the documentation. Everything is simple there: lines, shapes, fonts, as well as colors and styles of all this stuff. And it will be necessary, without any markup, to count the coordinates according to the algorithm you invented.

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