Margo19642017-11-04 13:30:33
Margo1964, 2017-11-04 13:30:33

DNS: No defect found. Where to apply?

I handed over the monitor to the service center for quality control, as there are dark spots on the matrix. A week later, the answer came - the defect was not found. Where to apply?

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3 answer(s)
evgeniy_lm, 2017-11-04

What are "dark spots"? Maybe the monitor is just dirty and needs to be washed?
In principle, a certain number of dead pixels are allowed in monitors.
What does "the answer came" mean, where did it come from, how did it come? When you handed it over, did you show these "dark spots" to the receiver? Or did you send it by mail and it was returned to you in the same condition?
Start by contacting the Consumer Rights Society. Take a few photos of how the malfunction manifests itself and take it off and go write a grievance

Vadim Choporov, 2017-11-04

Unfortunately - only in court. You can also contact the Consumer Protection Society.

Diman89, 2017-11-05

To try: take the monitor to another service (with the right to repair monitors of your brand, read authorized ones), if it’s free, even better, and in the case of a paid repair / diagnostics, issue an invoice to the dns service and a claim for unscrupulous diagnostics and that their hands are out of their asses

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