zwezew2018-10-16 17:23:05
zwezew, 2018-10-16 17:23:05

Disable Slick auto-scroll if slider is scrolled off screen?

The client issued an edit, from which he slightly precipitated.
It is required that in a slider scrolled off the screen, for example, more than 500px, auto-scrolling is disabled.

How can this be done at all?

$('[data-slick]').each(function () {
        var slider = $(this),

        $(window).on('load scroll', function() {
            var sliderHeight = slider.height(),
                windowHeight = window.screen.height,
                scroll = $(window).scrollTop(),
                visibleZone = sliderHeight - scroll;

            if (visibleZone <= 100) {
                autoplay = false;
            } else {
                autoplay = true;
            slidesToShow: 1,
            slidesToScroll: 1,
            infinite: true,
            autoplay: autoplay,
            autoplaySpeed: 5000,
            arrows: false,
            dots: true,

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2 answer(s)
Viktor, 2018-10-16

Remember the slider number when scrolling, when scrolling back, set the active slide (slickGoTo) to slick this number.

msdos-x86, 2018-10-16

you get paid money not us
so good luck

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